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Concepts and Glossary

System Generated IDs (UUID)Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is a 36-character alphanumeric string that can be used to identify information. A standard UUID code contains 32 hex digits along with 4 “-” symbols, which makes its length equal to 36 characters. To enhance the flexibility, interoperability, and consistent unique identification on the SiGREEN platform, system-defined UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) are implemented to uniquely identify objects on the platform. These UUIDs provide a reliable and standardized method to uniquely identify individual objects within SiGREEN. Whenever a new component, product, supplier, or any other entity is created within SiGREEN platform, the system automatically generates and assigns a UUID to that object. This ensures that every object can be uniquely identified throughout the application without any manual intervention.C99BE31E-3698-422D-91E3-8270102CC7D5
Component Identifier TypeThe term ‘component identifier type’ is assigned by each company for the components. This is used to group and categorize different identifiers.- Stock Keeping Units code (SKU)
- Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
- SAP Number
- Component/Part Numbers (CPID)
- Universal Product code (UPC)
- Batch or Lot Numbers
- Manufacturing Codes
Component IdentifierA component identifier is a unique code or ID assigned by each company to identify individual component. It is used to track and group components within a company’s internal systems. A component identifier is typically an alpha-numerical code.Component Identifiers for the Component Identifier Type “CAS number” can look like:
- 85-01-8
- 206-06-3
- 15-87-9
Product Identifier TypeThe term 'product identifier type’ is assigned by each company for the products. This is used to group and categorize different identifiers.- Universal Product code (UPC)
- European Article Number (EAN)
- Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
- Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)
Product IdentifierA product identifier is a unique code or ID assigned by each company to identify individual products. A product identifier can be a unique code or label assigned to a specific product. It serves to distinguish one product from another within a company's inventory. A product identifier is typically an alpha-numerical code.Product identifiers for the product identifier type “Universal Product Code (UPC)” can look like:
- 68348784779
- 85849794836
- 58786089502
Supplier Identifier TypeThe term 'supplier identifier type’ is assigned by each company for the suppliers. This is used to group and categorize different identifiers.- Supplier ID or Code
- Business Partner Number
- Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
- Vendor IDs
- Tax ID or VAT Numbers
- Global Location Numbers (GLN)
- Certification Codes
- Location ID
Supplier IdentifierA supplier identifier is a unique code or label assigned by each company to identify and track their suppliers individually. It is used to manage the relationship with the suppliers and ensure efficient communication with external partners. A supplier identifier is typically an alpha-numerical code.Supplier identifiers for the supplier identifier type “Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)” can look like:
- 10045674
- 10045673
- 10075867
FactoriesA factory refers to a site or manufacturing facility where the last manufacturing or assembly step to produce a product Factories takes place. They are typically represented as locations or factory codes.- City: Munich, Germany
- Site code: MUC-001
- Factory name: River Rouge
ComponentPhysical goods, Products, materials, software order services purchased from an upstream supplier; used as input for the manufacturing of products. Synonyms for a component can include ‘material’, ‘purchased good’, or ‘article.’
Component PCFComponent PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) refers to a product carbon footprint documentation of a Product, material, or service, produced by a supplier. If not directly produced by a supplier, it can also be an assembly of components from suppliers used as a module in a product.My PCF is a Component PCF for my customer.
Component PCF (aggregated)Component PCF (aggregated) returns only aggregated values such as component, totalPcf, and pcfUnit.A PCF documentation opposed to a disaggregated PCF, which contains the information of which components or materials and processes a product is made of and what their individual contributions are to the overall PCF (matched Bill of Material and Bill of Process).
Component PCF (limited data)Component PCF (limited data) returns more values than the aggregated values, which includes dataQuality, typeOfQuality, Transparency, and percentage. -
dataQuality When receiving or documenting a PCF in SiGREEN, the application provides a quality indicator section. The metrics in this section provides indications on the level of confidence that can be derived from the PCF received or PCF created.-
totalPcfThe total PCF is the sum of all sub-categories of a pcf but of only one life cycle stage. There are potentially two total PCF values for each life cycle stage.For the life cycle stage production: GWP total (excl. bio. CO2) =
+GWP fossil
+GWP biogenic CO2e-emissions (only other GHG emissions than CO2 – excludes biogenic CO2)
+GWP direct land use change (dLUC)
+GWP land use (LU)
+GWP aircraft emissions
pcfUnitA product carbon footprint is measured in units of carbon dioxide for example kg CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per unit of product or tonnes CO2e. The selection of an appropriate unit is important as it provides a unit of measurement to the consumer that reflects the quantity of product that is used by the end user. -
TransparencyTransparency or Documentation is the quality of the documentation provided by the user when disclosing the PCF information. Measured as the unweighted share of attributes provided out of the maximum number of attributes which can be used for documentation.-
ReliabilityReliability or Assurance describes the level of audit from self-declaration. It's an internal PCF review which provides a score of 25% and third party verification provides a score of 100%.-
ValidityValidity & Data Accuracy or Data Quality Rating (DQR) measure technological, temporal, and geographical representativeness and in some cases historically additionally completeness and reliability.-
SupplierA supplier refers to an entity or organization that provides goods, materials, or services to a company for use in its products or operations. Suppliers play a crucial role in the supply chain and can significantly impact the environmental footprint of products through their production processes, transportation methods, and sourcing practices.- F&B Supplier
- Metal One
- Plastic & Metal
- Peter Landscape
locationA supplier refers to an entity or organization that provides goods, materials, or services to a company for use in its products or operations. Suppliers play a crucial role in the supply chain and can significantly impact the environmental footprint of products through their production processes, transportation methods, and sourcing practices.- Berlin
- Munich
- France
ProductAny good (tangible product, such as material) or service (intangible product) that a company produces and sells. It is a tangible item or good that is manufactured, distributed, and consumed. It encompasses a wide range of goods across various industries, each with its unique lifecycle and associated environmental impacts. Products can include everything from consumer goods like electronics and clothing to industrial equipment and machinery.- eRod
- Protein Bar
- Household Appliances
- Smartphone
familyA product family is a group of related products that share similar characteristics and are designed to meet specific customer needs.- Rear Axle
- Front Axle
identifiers Identifiers are unique codes or labels assigned to entities such as products, components, or suppliers for easy tracking and differentiation. Each identifier includes information about its type, value, and whether it serves as the primary identifier for the entity.-
idType A product ID type is a standardized or customized identifier assigned to a product for tracking and management purposes. It can be a recognized standard like the Universal Product Code (UPC), or a customized naming system created by the user.- Universal Product Code (UPC)
- Identifier 2
value A value of product ID type is a unique code or identifier assigned to a specific product, allowing for easy tracking and identification within a database or system. It typically consists of alphanumeric characters.02035711268
default Default refers to a setting or value that is chosen or applied. In the context of identifiers, default can be true or false. When set to true, it indicates that the identifier is the main or primary identifier for the entity. Conversely, when set to false, it means that the identifier is not the main identifier.Default refers to a setting or value that is chosen or applied. In the context of identifiers, default can be true or false. When set to true, it indicates that the identifier is the main or primary identifier for the entity. Conversely, when set to false, it means that the identifier is not the main identifier.- true
- false