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SiGREEN offers a suite of powerful APIs designed to revolutionize your PCF management practices. With SiGREEN X-Link, you can easily connect your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems to SiGREEN.


The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

[1.1.0] - 2025-02-10

What's New

PUT /tasks/{id}/linkProduct/{productId}

Link product to the task.

DELETE /tasks/{id}/linkProduct/{productId}

Delete link between product and task.

PUT /tasks/{id}/sharePcf/{pcfId}

Share the pcf data with the given task.

PATCH /tasks/{id}/pcf/accept

accept proof received to the task in SiGREEN.

PATCH /tasks/{id}/pcf/reject

reject proof received to the task in SiGREEN.

What's Changed

GET /tasks/inboundPcfRequests

Added: id in query

UUID of the Task for identifying the incoming pcf request of the company in SiGREEN

Return Type:

Deleted response : 204 No Content

No Content.The request is successfully fulfilled, but no additional content is provided in the response.

Changed response : 200 OK

Get incoming pcf requests for company in SiGREEN

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property items (array)

    Changed items (object):

    * Changed property `id` (string)
      > task UUID to identify the task of the company in SiGREEN.
    * Changed property `pcfRequestedData` (object)
        * Added property `supplierProductId` (string)
            > Requesting supplier ProductId as product identifier gives more information regarding the product pcf data to be shared.
        * Changed property `message` (string)
            > Requesting pcf data with message, which gives more information regarding the product pcf data to be shared.
        * Changed property `identifiers` (array)
            > Additional product identifiers gives more information regarding the product pcf data to be shared.
GET /tasks/outboundPcfRequests

Added: id in query

UUID of the Task for identifying the outbound pcf request of the company in SiGREEN

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Get outbound pcf requests for company in SiGREEN

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property items (array)

    Changed items (object):

    * Changed property `id` (string)
      > task UUID to identify the task of the company in SiGREEN.
    * Changed property `taskId` (string)
        > task id.
    * Changed property `pcfData` (object)
        * Added property `pcfState` (string)
            > State of the pcf to say if it self certified or certified by a 3rd party certifier
    * Changed property `pcfRequestedData` (object)
        * Added property `supplierProductId` (string)
            > Requesting supplier ProductId as product identifier gives more information regarding the product pcf data to be shared.
        * Changed property `message` (string)
            > Requesting pcf data with message, which gives more information regarding the product pcf data to be shared.
        * Changed property `identifiers` (array)
            > Additional product identifiers gives more information regarding the product pcf data to be shared.

[1.0.0] - 2024-07-22

Initial Release