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[1.0.0] - 2024-07-22

What's New

POST /suppliers/identifierTypes

Create a supplier identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

DELETE /suppliers/identifierTypes/{id}

Delete an unused supplier identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

PATCH /suppliers/identifierTypes/{id}

Update supplier identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

PUT /suppliers/{id}

Update a supplier by supplier Id in SiGREEN

POST /components/identifierTypes

Create a component identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

DELETE /components/identifierTypes/{id}

Delete an unused component identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

PATCH /components/identifierTypes/{id}

Update a component identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

PUT /components/{id}

Update component details by id

GET /components/{id}/secondaryData

Get all component secondary data for component in SiGREEN

POST /components/{id}/secondaryData

Create secondary data with component.

GET /components/{id}/secondaryData/{secondaryDataId}

Get component secondary data by secondary data id

PUT /components/{id}/secondaryData/{secondaryDataId}

Update component secondary data by secondary data id.

GET /components/{id}/linkSuppliers

Get all linked suppliers with component

POST /components/{id}/linkSuppliers

Link suppliers and secondary data with component

GET /components/{id}/linkSuppliers/{componentSupplierLinkId}

Get linked suppliers by componentSupplierLinkId with component

PUT /components/{id}/linkSuppliers/{componentSupplierLinkId}

Update location/share/secondary data/supplier product id by component supplier id

DELETE /components/{id}/linkSuppliers/{componentSupplierLinkId}

Delete link between component and supplier

GET /components/{id}/suppliers/{supplierId}/pcf

Get an export of a PCF of a component without cryptographic material. If you need cryptographic verifiability of this information please use DIDComm APIs.

What's Changed

GET /components/pcf

Get an aggregated export of a PCF of a component without cryptographic material. If you need cryptographic verifiability of this information please use DIDComm APIs.


Added: componentIds in query

You can specify more than one componentId(System generated id) here (separated by comma).

Deleted: supplierId in query

Deleted: componentId in query

Changed: page in query

page number

Changed: size in query

page size

Return Type

New response : 403 Forbidden

Forbidden. Deleted response : 404 Not Found Not found. Changed response : 200 OK A list of Component PCF

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property items (array)

    Items (object):

    * Property `id` (string)
      > System generated id to identify the component of the company in SiGREEN
    * Property `totalPcf` (number)
      > Total PCF
    * Property `pcfUnit` (string)
      > PCF Unit Types
      Enum values:
        * `kgCO2e/piece`
        * `kgCO2e/kg`
        * `kgCO2e/m2`
        * `kgCO2e/m3`
        * `kgCO2e/kWh`
        * `kgCO2e/tkm`
        * `kgCO2e/MJ`
        * `kgCO2e/L`
    • Deleted property results (array)

    • Changed property hasNext (boolean)

      true if next page exists (page < totalPages)

    • Changed property hasPrev (boolean)

      true if a previous page exists (page > 0)

    • Changed property page (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 0)

    • Changed property pageNumber (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 1)

    • Changed property size (number)

      The size of elements in the response

    • Changed property totalPages (number)

      The total available pages

Changed response : 400 Bad Request

Bad request.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

  • Deleted content type : application/json

Changed response : 401 Unauthorized


  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 500 Internal Server Error

Unexpected error.

  • New content type : application/problem+json
GET /components/pcfData

Changed: componentId in query

System generated id to identify the component of the company in SiGREEN

Changed: supplierId in query

System generated id to identify the supplier of the company in SiGREEN

Changed: page in query

Page number

Changed: size in query

Page size

Return Type

New response : 401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. New response : 403 Forbidden Forbidden. Changed response : 200 OK Get PCF data of components in SiGREEN

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property items (array)

    Items (object):

    * Property `componentIdentifier` (string)
      > Component Main Identifier.
    * Property `componentName` (string)
      > component Name.
    * Property `componentId` (string)
      > System generated id to identify the component of the company in SiGREEN.
    * Property `supplierId` (string)
      > System generated id to identify the supplier of the company in SiGREEN.
    * Property `supplierIdentifier` (string)
      > Supplier Main Identifier.
    * Property `supplierName` (string)
      > Supplier name.
    * Property `supplierProductId` (string)
      > supplier product id
    * Property `location` (string)
      > Supplier Location.
    * Property `approvedTimeStamp` (string)
      > Proof approved DateTime.DateTime (ISO 8601; UTC Timezone)
    * Property `pcfState` (string)
      > State of the pcf to say if it self certified or certified by a 3rd party certifier
    * Property `dataQuality` (object)
      > Data Quality
        * Property `typeOfQuality` (string)
          > Type of quality
          Enum values:
            * `Transparency`
            * `Reliability`
            * `Validity & Data Accuracy`
        * Property `percentage` (number)
          > Data quality calculated in percentage
    * Property `pcfData` (object)
      > Verified Data
        * Property `company` (object)
          > Company Details
            * Property `companyName` (string)
              > Company name.
            * Property `companyIds` (array)
              > Company IDs.
              Items (string):
            * Property `companyProducer` (string)
              > Name of producer, if it differs from the supplier of product.
            * Property `companyContactEmail` (string)
              > Contact email address.
            * Property `companyContactPhone` (string)
              > Contact phone.
        * Property `product` (object)
          > Product details
            * Property `name` (string)
              > name of product
            * Property `family` (string)
              > name of product family
            * Property `identifiers` (array)
              > You have to have one identifier where default parameter is set to true as this represents your main identifier for this entity.
              Items (object):
                * Property `idType` (string)
                  > identifier type
                * Property `value` (string)
                  > identifier value
                * Property `default` (boolean)
                  > whether main identifier type or not
            * Property `description` (string)
              > product description
            * Property `weight` (string)
              > weight of product
            * Property `quantity` (string)
              > product quantity
            * Property `unitType` (string)
              > unit types
              Enum values:
                * `piece`
                * `kg`
                * `m2`
                * `m3`
                * `kWh`
                * `km`
                * `TEU`
                * `pkm`
                * `tkm`
                * `MJ`
                * `L`
            * Property `location` (string)
              > Product location
            * Property `factory` (array)
              > Factory
              Items (string):
        * Property `pcf` (object)
          > PCF data
            * Property `scopePcf` (object)
              > Scope of PCF
                * Property `specVersion` (array)
                  > Data model and version.
                  Items (string):
                * Property `limitedOrFullDec` (string)
                  > Limited or full declaration.
                  Enum values:
                    * `Mandatory inputs only`
                    * `Mandatory and optional inputs`
                * Property `partialFullPcf` (string)
                  > Partial or a full PCF.
                  Enum values:
                    * `Cradle-to-gate`
                    * `Cradle-to-grave`
                * Property `productionStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `materialAcquisitionAndPreProcessingSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `rawMaterialAcquistionSub2Stage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `preprocessingSub2Stage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `transportToManufacturingSiteSub2Stage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `manufacturingSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `assemblySub2Stage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `packagingEmissionsIncluded` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `eolTreatmentOfGeneratedWasteMfgSub2Stage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `distributionStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `transportAToDistributerSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `reconditioningAtDistributorSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `transportBToPlaceOfUseSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `installationAndAssemblyStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `installationSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `eolTreatmentOfGeneratedWasteInstallationSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `useStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `useSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `maintenanceSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `repairSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `replacementSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `eolTreatmentOfGeneratedWasteUseSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `refurbishmentSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `operationalEnergyUseSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `operationalWaterUseSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `eolStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `demolitionSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `transportSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `wasteProcessingSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `disposalSubStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
                * Property `reuseRecoveryRecyclingPotentialStage` (string)
                  > Scope Pcf Type
                  Enum values:
                    * `included`
                    * `excluded`
            * Property `declaredUnit` (string)
              > unit types
              Enum values:
                * `piece`
                * `kg`
                * `m2`
                * `m3`
                * `kWh`
                * `km`
                * `TEU`
                * `pkm`
                * `tkm`
                * `MJ`
                * `L`
            * Property `unitaryProductAmount` (string)
              > Quantity (of declared unit)
            * Property `productMassPerDeclaredUnit` (string)
              > Product mass [kg] per declared unit.
            * Property `id` (string)
              > PCF ID.Id will represent like UUID v4.
            * Property `precedingPfIds` (array)
              > Previous PCF IDs.Id will represent like UUID v4.
              Items (string):
            * Property `version` (string)
              > PCF version, the value can be in decimals.
            * Property `pfStatus` (string)
              > PCF status
              Enum values:
                * `Active`
                * `Deprecated`
            * Property `pfStatusComment` (string)
              > PCF status comment
            * Property `exemptedEmissionsPercent` (string)
              > Cut-off rule %
            * Property `exemptedEmissionsDescription` (string)
              > Cut-off and exemption rules explanation
            * Property `boundaryProcessesDescription` (string)
              > Important unit processes and used technologies
            * Property `typeRecycledContent` (string)
              > Type of recycled content
              Enum values:
                * `post-industrial`
                * `post-consumer`
            * Property `ccuCo2Origin` (string)
              > CCU CO2-origin
            * Property `geographyCountrySubdivision` (string)
              > City/state as country subdivision.according to ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 subdivision code
            * Property `geographyCountry` (string)
              > Geography country.according to ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 country code
            * Property `geographyRegionOrSubregion` (string)
              > Geography with region or subregion
              Enum values:
                * `Africa`
                * `Americas`
                * `Asia`
                * `Europe`
                * `Oceania`
                * `Australia and New Zealand`
                * `Central Asia`
                * `Eastern Asia`
                * `Eastern Europe`
                * `Latin America and the Caribbean`
                * `Melanesia`
                * `Micronesia`
                * `Northern Africa`
                * `Northern America`
                * `Northern Europe`
                * `Polynesia`
                * `South-eastern Asia`
                * `Southern Asia`
                * `Southern Europe`
                * `Sub-Saharan Africa`
                * `Western Asia`
                * `Western Europe`
                * `Global`
            * Property `locationProductHandover` (string)
              > Location of product handover
              Enum values:
                * `Own factory gate`
                * `Customer gate`
                * `Other`
            * Property `referencePeriodStart` (string)
              > Reference period start.DateTime (ISO 8601; UTC Timezone)
            * Property `referencePeriodEnd` (string)
              > Reference period end.DateTime (ISO 8601; UTC Timezone)
            * Property `created` (string)
              > Date of issue.DateTime (ISO 8601; UTC Timezone)
            * Property `updated` (string)
              > Date update.DateTime (ISO 8601; UTC Timezone)
            * Property `validityPeriodStart` (string)
              > Validity period start.DateTime (ISO 8601; UTC Timezone)
            * Property `validityPeriodEnd` (string)
              > Validity period end. DateTime (ISO 8601; UTC Timezone)
            * Property `crossSectoralStandardsUsed` (array)
              > Cross-sectoral standards applied.
              Items (string):
              Enum values:
                * `ISO 14067`
                * `Pathfinder v1`
                * `Pathfinder v2`
                * `GHG Protocol Product`
                * `PAS 2050`
                * `ISO 14040-44`
                * `PEF`
                * `Other`
            * Property `productOrSectorSpecificRules` (array)
              > Product or sector rules applied.
              Items (string):
              Enum values:
                * `Catena-X Rulebook v1`
                * `Catena-X Rulebook v2`
                * `TFS Guideline v2`
                * `EN 50693`
                * `EN 15804`
                * `BPX 30-323`
                * `Not specified`
            * Property `operator` (string)
              > select "other".
              Enum values:
                * `PEF`
                * `EPD International`
                * `Other`
            * Property `otherOperatorName` (string)
              > Publisher's URN of product or sector specific guidance.
            * Property `biogenicAccountingMethodology` (string)
              > Methodology used to account for biogenic emissions and removals applied.
              Enum values:
                * `PEF`
                * `ISO`
                * `GHGP`
                * `Quantis`
            * Property `characterizationFactorsTimeHorizon` (string)
              > Time horizon of GWP values.
              Enum values:
                * `GWP100`
                * `GWP20`
                * `GWP500`
                * `GWP1000`
                * `Unspecified`
            * Property `characterizationFactors` (string)
              > IPCC report version of GWP values.
              Enum values:
                * `AR1`
                * `AR2`
                * `AR3`
                * `AR4`
                * `AR5`
                * `AR6`
                * `unspecified`
            * Property `characterizationFactorsClimateCarbonFeedback` (string)
              > Are climate-carbon feedbacks included in the GWP?
              Enum values:
                * `yes`
                * `no`
                * `partly`
                * `unspecified`
            * Property `characterizationFactorsClimateCarbonFeedbackLciaMethod` (string)
              > LCIA method applied in assessment.
              Enum values:
                * `Greenhouse Gas Protocol`
                * `PEF`
                * `IPCC 2013 GWP100a`
                * `IPCC 2013 GWP20a`
                * `IPCC 2007 GWP100a`
                * `IPCC 2007 GWP20a`
                * `IPCC 2001 GWP100a`
                * `IPCC 2001 GWP20a`
                * `ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (E)`
                * `ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (I)`
                * `ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (H)`
                * `CML-IA baseline`
                * `CML 1992`
                * `CML 2 baseline 2000`
                * `CML 2001 (all impact categories)`
                * `EDIP 2003`
                * `EPD (2008), EPD (2013)`
                * `ILCD 2011 Midpoint+`
                * `IMPACT 2002+`
                * `TRACI 2.1`
                * `BEES+`
                * `other`
                * `unspecified`
            * Property `characterizationFactorsGhgExclusions` (string)
              > Exclusion of greenhouse gases.
            * Property `allocationRulesDescription` (string)
              > Allocation rules used.
            * Property `recycledMaterialAllocationApproach` (string)
              > Recycled material allocation approach.
              Enum values:
                * `Recycled content method`
                * `Closed loop approximation method`
            * Property `allocationWasteIncineration` (string)
              > Allocation approach used for waste incineration with energy recovery.
              Enum values:
                * `cut-off`
                * `reverse cut-off`
                * `system expansion`
            * Property `allocationRecycledCarbon` (string)
              > Allocation approach used for recycled material & c-content.
              Enum values:
                * `upstream system expansion`
                * `cut-off`
            * Property `allocationCcuCarbon` (string)
              > Allocation approach used for CCU.
            * Property `primaryDataShare` (string)
              > Primary Data Share (PDS).
            * Property `sourceOfPrimaryData` (string)
              > Sources for primary data.
            * Property `secondaryEmissionFactorSources` (array)
              > Secondary data source & Version.
              Items (string):
            * Property `secondaryEmissionFactorSourcesVersion` (string)
              > Secondary data source version.
    • Deleted property results (array)

    • Changed property hasNext (boolean)

      true if next page exists (page < totalPages)

    • Changed property hasPrev (boolean)

      true if a previous page exists (page > 0)

    • Changed property page (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 0)

    • Changed property pageNumber (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 1)

    • Changed property size (number)

      The size of elements in the response

    • Changed property totalPages (number)

      The total available pages

Changed response : 400 Bad Request

Bad request.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

  • Deleted content type : application/json

Changed response : 500 Internal Server Error

Unexpected error.

  • New content type : application/problem+json
GET /components/identifierTypes

Get component identifier types for a company in SiGREEN.


Added: page in query

Page Number, usually starts with 0

Added: size in query

Size of the page default value is 10

Return Type

New response : 403 Forbidden

Forbidden. Deleted response : 400 Bad Request Bad request. Changed response : 401 Unauthorized Unauthorized.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 500 Internal Server Error

Unexpected error.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 200 OK

List of component identifier types.

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property hasNext (boolean)

      true if next page exists (page < totalPages)

    • Changed property hasPrev (boolean)

      true if a previous page exists (page > 0)

    • Changed property page (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 0)

    • Changed property pageNumber (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 1)

    • Changed property size (number)

      The size of elements in the response

    • Changed property totalPages (number)

      The total available pages

    • Changed property identifierTypes (array)

    Changed items (object):

    New required properties *id *idType *isMainIdentifierType

    * Added property `id` (string)
      > A unique id for identifier type.
    * Changed property `idType` (string)
      > identifier type value.
    * Changed property `isMainIdentifierType` (boolean)
      > Whether it is main identifier type or not.
GET /suppliers/identifierTypes

Get supplier identifier types for a company in SiGREEN.


Added: page in query

Page Number, usually starts with 0

Added: size in query

Size of the page default value is 10

Return Type

New response : 403 Forbidden

Forbidden. Deleted response : 400 Bad Request Bad request. Changed response : 401 Unauthorized Unauthorized.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 500 Internal Server Error

Unexpected error.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 200 OK

List of supplier identifier types

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property hasNext (boolean)

      true if next page exists (page < totalPages)

    • Changed property hasPrev (boolean)

      true if a previous page exists (page > 0)

    • Changed property page (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 0)

    • Changed property pageNumber (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 1)

    • Changed property size (number)

      The size of elements in the response

    • Changed property totalPages (number)

      The total available pages

    • Changed property identifierTypes (array)

    Changed items (object):

    New required properties: *id * idType * isMainIdentifierType

    * Added property `id` (string)
      > A unique id for identifier type.
    * Changed property `idType` (string)
      > identifier type value.
    * Changed property `isMainIdentifierType` (boolean)
      > Whether it is main identifier type or not.