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The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

[1.0.0] - 2024-07-22

What's New

POST /products/identifierTypes

Create a product identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

DELETE /products/identifierTypes/{id}

Delete an unused product identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

PATCH /products/identifierTypes/{id}

Update a product identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.

DELETE /factories/{id}

Delete an unused factory for a company in SiGREEN.

PATCH /factories/{id}

Update a factory for a company in SiGREEN.

PUT /products/{id}

Update a product by product Id in SiGREEN

What's Changed

GET /products/{productId}/pcf/{filter}

Get an export of a product carbon footprint without cryptographic material. If you need cryptographic verifiability of this information please use DIDComm APIs.


Removed: filter in path Added: filter in query

Here you can provide a filter on the request, e.g pcf information out of active or latest credential. Available values : active, latest

Changed path parameter : productId in path to id in path

GET /products/identifierTypes

Get product identifier types for a company in SiGREEN.


Added: page in query

Page Number, usually starts with 0

Added: size in query

Size of the page default value is 10

Return Type

New response : 403 Forbidden

Forbidden. Deleted response : 400 Bad Request Bad request. Changed response : 401 Unauthorized Unauthorized.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 500 Internal Server Error

Unexpected error.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 200 OK

List of product identifier types

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property hasNext (boolean)

      true if next page exists (page < totalPages)

    • Changed property hasPrev (boolean)

      true if a previous page exists (page > 0)

    • Changed property page (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 0)

    • Changed property pageNumber (number)

      The current page-number (starts with 1)

    • Changed property size (number)

      The size of elements in the response

    • Changed property totalPages (number)

      The total available pages

    • Changed property identifierTypes (array)

    Changed items (object):

    New required properties: * id * idType * isMainIdentifierType

    * Added property `id` (string)
      > A unique id for identifier type.
    * Changed property `idType` (string)
      > identifier type value.
    * Changed property `isMainIdentifierType` (boolean)
      > Whether it is main identifier type or not.
GET /products/{productId}
Return Type

New response : 403 Forbidden

Forbidden. Deleted response : 404 Not Found Not found. Changed response : 400 Bad Request Bad request.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 401 Unauthorized


  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 500 Internal Server Error

Unexpected error.

  • New content type : application/problem+json

Changed response : 200 OK

A product

  • Changed content type : application/json

New required properties *id

* Added property `id` (string)
  > System generated id to identify the product of the company in SiGREEN

* Added property `factoryIds` (array)
  > Product Factory Ids (System Generated Ids)

  Items (string):

* Deleted property `location` (string)

* Deleted property `factory` (array)

* Changed property `name` (string)
  > Name of Product

* Changed property `family` (string)
  > Product Family name

* Changed property `description` (string)
  > Product description

* Changed property `weight` (string)
  > Product weight

* Changed property `quantity` (string)
  > Product Quantity

* Changed property `identifiers` (array)
  > You have to have one identifier where default parameter is set to true as this represents your main identifier for this entity.

  Changed items (object):

    * Changed property `idType` (string)
      > identifier type

    * Changed property `value` (string)
      > identifier value

    * Changed property `default` (boolean)
      > whether main identifier type or not

* Changed property `unitType` (string)
  > Unit Types