Quick Start¶
For getting started with our Application and our APIs, kindly refer to Getting Started.
For general information about the Product Portfolio functionality, refer to the respective section in the SiGREEN Help: Product Portfolio.
Concepts and Glossary¶
For detailed information about the concepts and terminology, please refer to Concepts and Glossary.
Product API¶
The Product API, part of SiGREEN's suite of APIs, offers users a streamlined solution for managing products and BOM. With endpoints including POST Product and GET Product, users can seamlessly add and retrieve data related to products.
Prerequisite: In order to create a product, it is mandatory to create the product identifier type first.
Getting started with the Product APIs involves the following steps:
Create a product identifier type for a company in SiGREEN. The identifier type created initially in the beginning acts as the main identifier type.
Example Request
curl --location 'https://app.sigreen.siemens.com/api/products/identifierTypes' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \ --data '{ "idType": "Product ID" }'
Example Response
{ "id": "01908d72-9005-7241-8f5c-37dcf1e65b5f" }
Get product identifier types for a company in SiGREEN.
Example Request
curl --location 'https://app.sigreen.siemens.com/api/components/identifierTypes?size=100' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
Example Response
{ "items": [ { "id": "01908d72-9005-7241-8f5c-37dcf1e65b5f", "idType": "Product ID", "isMainIdentifierType": true } ], "hasNext": true, "hasPrev": false, "page": 0, "pageNumber": 1, "size": 1, "totalPages": 1, "totalRecords": 1 }
Create a factory for a company in SiGREEN (Optional).
Example Request
curl --location 'app.sigreen.siemens.com/api/factories' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \ --data '{ "factory": "Munich factory" }'
Example Response
{ "id": "974ca1b0-7088-4f5f-97e6-1d44fa18f694" }
Get list of factories in a company in SiGREEN.
Example Request
curl --location 'https://app.sigreen.siemens.com/api/factories' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \ --data ''
Example Response
{ "items": [ { "id": "974ca1b0-7088-4f5f-97e6-1d44fa18f694", "factory": "Munich factory" } ], "hasNext": true, "hasPrev": false, "page": 0, "pageNumber": 1, "size": 1, "totalPages": 1, "totalRecords": 1 }
Create a product.
Example Request
curl --location 'https://app.sigreen.siemens.com/api/products' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \ --data '{ "name": "Simatics PL7", "family": "Controls E1456", "identifiers": [ { "value": "UPC-1", "idType": "Product ID", "default": true } ], "description": "Your product description", "weight": "1.533", "quantity": "5", "unitType": "kg", "factoryIds": [ "974ca1b0-7088-4f5f-97e6-1d44fa18f694" ] }'
Example Response
{ "id": "0190771f-2363-7de3-839f-df9131b93f37" }
Get product details by id in SiGREEN.
Example Request
curl --location --request GET 'https://app.sigreen.siemens.com/api/products/0190771f-2363-7de3-839f-df9131b93f37' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \ --data ''
Example Response
{ "id": "0190771f-2363-7de3-839f-df9131b93f37", "name": "Simatics PL7", "family": "Controls E1456", "identifiers": [ { "value": "UPC-1", "idType": "Product ID", "default": true } ], "description": "Your product description", "weight": "1.533", "quantity": "5.0", "unitType": "kg", "factoryIds": [ "974ca1b0-7088-4f5f-97e6-1d44fa18f694" ], "createdOn": "2022-11-20T08:30:00.000Z", "updatedOn": "2022-11-21T10:30:00.000Z" }
With the other available Product APIs, you can perform the following operations:
- Update a product identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.
- Delete an unused product identifier type for a company in SiGREEN.
- Update product details by id in SiGREEN.
- Get all product details for a company in SiGREEN.
- Delete a product in SiGREEN.
- Upload factory emissions for a product in SiGREEN.
- Get the PCF data for your products in SiGREEN.
- Offset the emissions of a product in SiGREEN.
For more information in detail about the Parameters, Request Body, and Responses refer to the API Reference under Product API(s).
Factory API(s)¶
With the other available Factory APIs, you can perform the following operations:
- Update a factory for a company in SiGREEN.
- Delete an unused factory of a company in SiGREEN.
Bill of Material API(s)¶
With the available Bill of Material APIs, you can perform the following operations:
- Create a Bill of Material for a product in SiGREEN.
- Get a list of Bill of Material entries for a product in SiGREEN.