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SiGREEN offers a suite of powerful APIs designed to revolutionize your PCF management practices. With SiGREEN X-Link, you can easily connect your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems to SiGREEN.

Validation Errors

Validation Errors

Validation Error CodeError Description
SIG-VLD-0001An error occurred while parsing the token. The token provided is invalid.
SIG-VLD-0002Invalid request payload.
SIG-VLD-0003The size requested exceeds the maximum allowable page size.
SIG-VLD-0004The client Id should not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0005The product upload data list must have at least one item.
SIG-VLD-0007Duplicate product id (UUID).
SIG-VLD-0008Duplicate main product identifier.
SIG-VLD-0009You cannot have duplicate identifiers in the identifier list.
SIG-VLD-0010Duplicate identifier value not allowed in the identifier list.
SIG-VLD-0011The identifier list should not contain more than one main identifier default
SIG-VLD-0012The identifier list must include at least one main identifier (default)
SIG-VLD-0013Invalid identifier value '%s', it cannot contain <,>,\",”,= characters.
SIG-VLD-0014Product name cannot be blank.
SIG-VLD-0015Product name cannot be more than 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0016Product name cannot contain '<,>,\",”,=' characters.
SIG-VLD-0017Main identifier is a mandatory attribute.
SIG-VLD-0018Product description cannot be more than 500 characters.
SIG-VLD-0019Weight cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0020Quantity cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0021Product Identifier type cannot be more than 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0022Product Identifier type cannot be empty.
SIG-VLD-0023Product identifier value cannot be more than 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0024Product identifier value cannot be empty.
SIG-VLD-0025Description cannot contain '<,>,\",”' characters.
SIG-VLD-0026Invalid quantity.
SIG-VLD-0027Invalid weight.
SIG-VLD-0028Invalid product id.
SIG-VLD-0029Invalid or unknown parameter present in request.
SIG-VLD-0030Requested page number value is invalid.
SIG-VLD-0031Requested page size value is invalid.
SIG-VLD-0032Requested page size exceeded maximum allowed page size.
SIG-VLD-0033Invalid range in date fields, check from and to date range.
SIG-VLD-0034Future dates are not permitted in request.
SIG-VLD-0035Product family name cannot be more than 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0036Family name cannot contain '<,>,(,),\",”,=' characters.
SIG-VLD-0037Unknown column names present in request.
SIG-VLD-0038Invalid credential filter provided.
SIG-VLD-0039Identifier type cannot contain <,>,(,),\",”,= characters.
SIG-VLD-0040Factory name value cannot be empty.
SIG-VLD-0041Factory name cannot be more than 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0042Factory name cannot contain '<,>,\",”,=' characters.
SIG-VLD-0043Invalid Factory id.
SIG-VLD-0044Request cannot be empty.
SIG-VLD-0045Duplicate Main Component Identifier.
SIG-VLD-0046Component name cannot contain <,>,(,),\",”,= characters.
SIG-VLD-0047Material category cannot contain <,>,(,),\",”,= characters.
SIG-VLD-0048Unit type must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0049Identifier count cannot exceed the maximum limit of 100.
SIG-VLD-0050Identifier type must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0051Identifier value must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0052Component name must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0053Component name must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0054Identifier value must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0055Supplier Product Id must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0056Identifier type must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0057Component Id (UUID) must be less than or equal to 36 characters.
SIG-VLD-0058Invalid Component Id (UUID).
SIG-VLD-0059Supplier Id (UUID) must be less than or equal to 36 characters.
SIG-VLD-0060Invalid Supplier Id (UUID).
SIG-VLD-0061Share must be less than or equal to 15 characters.
SIG-VLD-0062Share is invalid.
SIG-VLD-0063Material Category must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0064Supplier name must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0065Supplier name must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0066Email must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0067Supplier's Email must be less than or equal to 50 characters.
SIG-VLD-0068Email is invalid.
SIG-VLD-0069Website is invalid.
SIG-VLD-0070Contact must be valid.
SIG-VLD-0071Location must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0072Duplicate supplier location.
SIG-VLD-0073Maximum %s locations allowed.
SIG-VLD-0074Secondary data id must be less than or equal to 36 characters.
SIG-VLD-0075Invalid Secondary Data Id (UUID).
SIG-VLD-0076Supplier Id (UUID) must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0077Supplier contact number is limited to 30 character.
SIG-VLD-0078Comment cannot be more than 1000 characters.
SIG-VLD-0079Supplier's location must be less than or equal to 200 characters.
SIG-VLD-0080Supplier's website must be less than or equal to 200 characters.
SIG-VLD-0081Invalid Component Supplier Id (UUID).
SIG-VLD-0082Supplier locations '%s' cannot be found, which are linked to components.
SIG-VLD-0083Invalid Date Format. Please send valid date format (for eg: "+ DateUtils.ISO_8601_FORMAT+").
SIG-VLD-0084To date is missing.
SIG-VLD-0085Invalid Date.
SIG-VLD-0086From date is missing.
SIG-VLD-0087Empty values are not allowed in locations array. Please provide valid locations.
SIG-VLD-0088Component Id (UUID) must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0089Invalid Total incl. Bio
SIG-VLD-0090Invalid Total excl. Bio
SIG-VLD-0091Invalid Fossil.
SIG-VLD-0092Invalid Biogenic.
SIG-VLD-0093Invalid dLuc.
SIG-VLD-0094Invalid Land Use .
SIG-VLD-0095Invalid Aircraft.
SIG-VLD-0096Quantity must be greater than zero.
SIG-VLD-0097Quantity must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0098totalInclBio and totalExclBio both are empty, one of them is mandatory.
SIG-VLD-0099Invalid Data Verification.
SIG-VLD-0100Request param length cannot exceed 1000 characters.
SIG-VLD-0101ComponentIds list must not be empty.
SIG-VLD-0102pcfId value must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0103Duplicate Main Supplier Identifier.
SIG-VLD-0104Email cannot be more than 50 characters.
SIG-VLD-0105Data Source cannot be more than 100 characters.
SIG-VLD-0106Search text cannot be more than 50 characters.
SIG-VLD-0107Data Verification cannot be more than 50 characters.
SIG-VLD-0108Total incl. Bio cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0109Total excl. Bio cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0110Fossil cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0111Aircraft cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0112Land Use cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0113dLuc cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0114Biogenic cannot be more than 15 digits.
SIG-VLD-0115Region cannot be more than 200 characters.
SIG-VLD-0116validityPeriodStart has invalid Date Format. Please send valid date format (for eg: "+ DateUtils.ISO_8601_FORMAT+").
SIG-VLD-0117Component Supplier Id (UUID) must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0118Component Supplier Id (UUID) must be less than or equal to 36 characters.
SIG-VLD-0119Secondary Data Id (UUID) must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0120Secondary Data Id (UUID) must be less than or equal to 36 characters.
SIG-VLD-0121Invalid supplier identifier type id.
SIG-VLD-0122Supplier identifier type id must not be null or empty.
SIG-VLD-0123Requested page value is invalid. Please send a valid page value.
SIG-VLD-0124Requested size value is invalid. Please send a valid size value.
SIG-VLD-0125Requested size value exceeded the limit.
SIG-VLD-0126Unexpected %s.
SIG-VLD-0127From date is greater than To date.
SIG-VLD-0128User not found for user ID '%s' and company ID '%s'.
SIG-VLD-0129Company not found for company ID '%s'.
SIG-VLD-0130User don't have the %s role.
SIG-VLD-0131Task status is not New. Only New task can be %s.
SIG-VLD-0132Task not found for this task UID '%s'.
SIG-VLD-0133Task not a %s task.
SIG-VLD-0134From date or to date values must not be empty.
SIG-VLD-0135Invalid sort parameter entered.
SIG-VLD-0136Invalid status parameter entered.
SIG-VLD-0137Invalid token, please provide appropriate token to call the API
SIG-VLD-0138You are not authorized to perform the current operation
SIG-VLD-0139Token parser error, invalid token. Please send valid token.
SIG-VLD-0140Identifier value %s, cannot contain <,>,(,),\",”,= characters.
SIG-VLD-0141Region cannot contain <,>,(,),\",”,= characters.
SIG-VLD-0142Datasource cannot contain <,>,\",”,= characters.
SIG-VLD-0143Comments cannot contain <,>,\",”,= characters.
SIG-VLD-0151Weight must be greater than zero.

Business Errors

Validation Error CodeError Description
SIG-BUS-0001The Factory Name for is already in use. Please choose a different name.
SIG-BUS-0002The Factory Id is invalid. Please verify and provide a valid Factory Id.
SIG-BUS-0003The deletion of the Factory is not possible as it is linked to products.
SIG-BUS-0004Duplicate Factory not allowed in company with same name.
SIG-BUS-0005Company not found.
SIG-BUS-0006The company already has a product with the identical identifier.
SIG-BUS-0007The identifier type %s is invalid. Please verify and provide a valid identifier type.
SIG-BUS-0008The main identifier type is invalid. Please verify and provide a valid main identifier type.
SIG-BUS-0009The company has not yet defined any identifier types.
SIG-BUS-0010Provided unit type %s is not supported.
SIG-BUS-0011Weight is invalid.
SIG-BUS-0012Weight should be empty for unit type 'kg'.
SIG-BUS-0013Access denied.
SIG-BUS-0014Product family %s does not exists.
SIG-BUS-0015Invalid factory id %s.
SIG-BUS-0016Invalid product id.
SIG-BUS-0017The main identifier value of the product cannot be altered.
SIG-BUS-0018Invalid factory name %s.
SIG-BUS-0019Mismatch in identifier default value, review %s.
SIG-BUS-0020No credential found for requested product.
SIG-BUS-0021The identifier list does not permit duplicate identifier types.
SIG-BUS-0022The name for the identifier type is already in use. Please choose a different name.
SIG-BUS-0023The provided Identifier type id does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0024Main Identifier type cannot be deleted.
SIG-BUS-0025The deletion of the product identifier type is not possible as it is linked to products.
SIG-BUS-0026Your account has reached the maximum allowed number of identifiers, which is %s. Additional identifiers cannot be added.
SIG-BUS-0027The deletion of the Factory is not possible as it is linked to products.
SIG-BUS-0028Main identifier value cannot be modified.
SIG-BUS-0029Component Id (UUID) is not associated with identifier.
SIG-BUS-0030Supplier not exist for given supplier identifier.
SIG-BUS-0031Component already exists with the same identifier in the company.
SIG-BUS-0032Component does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0033Supplier does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0034Supplier location does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0035Secondary data does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0036Secondary data is not associated with component.
SIG-BUS-0037Supplier Location already exists for component supplier combination.
SIG-BUS-0038Supplier Product Id already exists for component supplier combination.
SIG-BUS-0039Supplier Location cannot be modified, active proof is present.
SIG-BUS-0040Supplier Location cannot be modified, secondary data is present.
SIG-BUS-0041Unit cannot be modified.
SIG-BUS-0042Supplier already exists with the same identifier in the company.
SIG-BUS-0043Component Identifier Type cannot be deleted because it is linked to components.
SIG-BUS-0044Supplier does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0045Share should be within 0 to 100.
SIG-BUS-0046Supplier Location should be unique for component supplier combination.
SIG-BUS-0047Supplier Product Id should be unique for component supplier combination.
SIG-BUS-0048Component Id (UUID) does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0049Secondary Data Id (UUID) does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0050Supplier Identifier Type cannot be deleted, because it is linked to suppliers.
SIG-BUS-0051Component Supplier link does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0052Component Supplier link not associated with given Component Id (UUID).
SIG-BUS-0053Component Supplier link cannot be deleted due to some PCF requested task already exist.
SIG-BUS-0054Incorrect Component Ids found in the request. Please send valid Component Ids.
SIG-BUS-0055Pcf Id does not exist.
SIG-BUS-0056Error Response from %s for getting %s.
SIG-BUS-0057Error when trying to connect %s for getting %s.
SIG-BUS-0058Error while parsing %s.
SIG-BUS-0059Error while parsing from and to date to UTC format.
SIG-BUS-0060Unable to send notification.
SIG-BUS-0061Error while parsing the activity message.

Technical Errors

Validation Error CodeError Description
SIG-TEC-0001Technical user does not exists for given client id.
SIG-TEC-0002Something went wrong, contact support team.
SIG-TEC-0003You are not authorized to perform the current operation. Please contact support team.
SIG-TEC-0004Invalid token, please provide appropriate token to access the API.
SIG-TEC-0005Forbidden, insufficient permission.
SIG-TEC-0006Company account is locked.

Other Errors

Validation Error CodeError Description
PCF_VLD_001Token parser error, invalid token. Please send valid token.
PCF_VLD_002Invalid request payload.
PCF_VLD_003Error occurred while parsing the PCF mass upload file.
PCF_VLD_004Scope of product carbon footprint (PCF) form can not be empty.
PCF_VLD_005Empty excel cannot be uploaded.
PCF_VLD_006Only %s rows are allowed.
PCF_VLD_007Upload only excel file
PCF_VLD_008Unknown standard.
PCF_VLD_009File is malicious or corrupted.
PCF_VLD_010Error occurred while file scan.
PCF_VLD_011Unknown declaration type.
PCF_VLD_012Unknown life cycle type.
PCF_VLD_013Maximum upload size exceeded. It should be under %s.
PCF_VLD_014Invalid file type.
PCF_VLD_015File has no data.
PCF_VLD_016Unknown company factory.
PCF_VLD_017Company contact phone number is incorrect format.
PCF_VLD_018Company does not exist
PCF_VLD_019User does not exist
PCF_VLD_020Invalid product declared unit
PCF_VLD_021Invalid product identifiers
PCF_VLD_022Invalid identifier (length >100)
PCF_VLD_023Invalid product name (length>100)
PCF_VLD_024Invalid quantity value (length >15)
PCF_VLD_025Invalid weight (length>15 )
PCF_VLD_026Invalid numeric data in weight
PCF_VLD_027Invalid numeric data in quantity
PCF_VLD_028Invalid date or contact number
PCF_VLD_029Unable to link location
PCF_VLD_030Invalid date entered. Please enter a valid date.
PCF_VLD_031Product with same identifier exists
PCF_VLD_032Could not find valid entries in file
PCF_VLD_033Uploaded file template is invalid, use the latest template
PCF_VLD_034Requested page number value is invalid.
PCF_VLD_035Requested page size value is invalid.
PCF_VLD_036PageSize cannot Exceed allowed Limit %s
PCF_VLD_037Field %s cannot be null
PCF_VLD_038Mass uploading functionality is available only for TFS member
PCF_VLD_039Company contact phone number is in incorrect format
PCF_VLD_040Product with the given ID %s does not exist
PCF_VLD_041Draft with the given ID %s does not exist
PCF_VLD_042Missing/Incorrect Product Identifier
PCF_VLD_043Draft does not exists or deleted
PCF_VLD_044Invalid target scope selection
PCF_VLD_045Total incl./excl. bio can have only numeric data
PCF_VLD_046Miss match product details
PCF_VLD_047Contact email address is in incorrect format
PCF_VLD_048File name exceeds max allowed allowed length of %d characters. Please rename the file and upload again.
PCF_VLD_049Invalid product identifiers '%s'. Product identifiers cannot contain <,>,\",”,= characters
PCF_VLD_050Could not find the draft
PCF_VLD_051This is not a valid draft
PCF_VLD_052Product name cannot contain <,>,\",”,= characters.
PCF_VLD_053Product name cannot be empty or null.
PCF_VLD_054Invalid description (length>500)
PCF_VLD_055Product description cannot contain <,>,\",” characters.
PCF_VLD_056Invalid product family name (length>100 )
PCF_VLD_057Product family name cannot contain <,>,\",(,),=” characters.
PCF_VLD_058Client Id must not be null or empty.