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Aggregate Sensor Energy Data by Floor for last One Hour

This API returns the aggregate energy consumption in watt-hour for all fixtures on the floor. When the specified time range in the request exceeds an hour, the API publishes an aggregate data response every 15 minutes only for the first hour, regardless of the time interval specified in the request.

The response is always limited to four messages for one hour. For example, you request energy data for up to ten sensors on the floor for two hours. In that case, the API returns the aggregate energy data for all sensors on the floor for the first hour, publishing four response messages at a 15-minute interval.


GET https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/facility/v2/facilityEnergyStats/15min/floor/



em_ip_address_or_hostname:Manage’s IP address or hostname
floor_idFloor identifier. Use the Get All Floors API, or in EM, select Facility > Floor in the left panel, and click the Settings tab to obtain the Floor ID.
from_dateStart date to display energy consumption data. Format: (yyyyMMddHHmmss) year/month/day/hour/minutes/seconds.
to_dateEnd date to stop displaying energy consumption data. Format: (yyyyMMDDHHmmss) year/month/day/hour/minutes/seconds.
pageThe requested page number. Each page displays 96 records corresponding to 24 hours of energy consumption data. For example, when a user requests 30 days of energy consumption data, the 15th page will have the energy consumption details for the 15th day of the requested period.


idFloor Identifier.
nameFloor name.
intervalStartTime from when data is retrieved.
baseenergyDisplays the base energy of the fixtures. Base energy is when the fixture’s light is always maintained at full-on without making any changes to the light.
energyThe aggregate energy consumed by the fixtures on the floor.
savedEnergyThe aggregate energy saved by the fixtures on the floor.
occSavingsEnergy savings for the fixtures on the floor determined by occupancy nearby the fixture.
ambientSavingsAmbient savings for the fixtures on the floor based on the ambient light level measured by the fixture.
manualSavingsManual savings for the fixtures on the floor based on when the fixtures were manually controlled.

Sample Request

Using the Floor ID '1' returned by the Get All Floors API, request the aggregate energy consumption for fixtures on the floor for two hours from 5:30 am through 7:30 am on Feb. 12, 2019. The sample response shows details returned for fixtures on Floor 1 for the first hour of the specified time interval.


Sample Response

  "facilityEnergyStats": {

      "id": "1",
      "name":         "7th   Floor",
      "baseEnergy":   "38.85",
      "energy":       "16.00",
      "savedEnergy":  "22.85",
      "occSavings":   "16.20",
      "tuneupSavings": "6.65",

      "id": "1",
      "name":         "7th   Floor",
      "baseEnergy":   "38.85",
      "energy":       "16.00",
      "savedEnergy":  "22.85",
      "occSavings":   "16.20",
      "tuneupSavings": "6.65",

      "id": "1",
      "name":         "7th   Floor",
      "baseEnergy":   "38.85",
      "energy":       "16.00",
      "savedEnergy":  "22.85",
      "occSavings":   "16.20",
      "tuneupSavings": "6.65",

      "id": "1",
      "name":         "7th   Floor",
      "baseEnergy":   "38.85",
      "energy":       "16.00",
      "savedEnergy":  "22.85",
      "occSavings":   "16.20",
      "tuneupSavings": "6.65",



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