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Update the current running or scheduled Demand Response for a list of selected facilities in the organization for a specific period from the start time.
Schedules a demand response for a list of selected facilities. List of facilities separated by commas. Each facility contains facility type and facility ID: {facility type}_{facility ID}.
Facility Type: Can be either a company, campus, building, or floor. Facility ID: A unique identifier that is assigned to the company or organization, campus, building or floor. (Facility ID is returned in Get All Floors API).
Note: Specifying a facility other than the floor automatically assigns DR to all floors under the facility. Assigning a campus will assign DR to all floors for all buildings on the campus.
For example,
1. To assign DR to the first and second floors of a building, type floor_1,floor_2. DR will be assigned to floor 1 and floor 2.
2. To assign DR to all floors in the Headquarters Building with ID 22, type Building_22. DR will be assigned to all floors in building 22.
The DR duration time in minutes (must be a whole number)
Time from when DR should be in effect. Format: (yyyyMMddHHmm) year/month/day/hour/minutes. for example, 15-11-18T17:43:00
DR identifier provided at the time of scheduling.
DR pricing that is effective for the energy consumed during the DR period (optional)
For example, update the currently running Demand Response (DR) event from LOW to HIGH price level for Floor 1 in Building 51, Campus 1, for 60 minutes starting at 5:30 am on 07-21-2015 at 15 cents. The response indicates that the DR update was successful.
The user must access the web service with proper session/authenticated token: